
Jun 21, 2009

Lucky me!

Isn't this a beautiful award? It was given to me by Margo, who is a wonderful stamper and scrapper. You can check out her blog here, it's full of wonderful creativity! Thanks to her for thinking of me!

Here are the rules:

Accept the award, post it on your blog with the name of the person who gave you the award. Be sure to link their blog so people can visit them!!

Pass the award to 15 other blogs you've newly discovered. Remember to post to their blog to let them know they've received the award!

I've decided that since I have 15 followers, I will pass this on to each of them, along with one other...seeing how Margo is also a follower.

1. Melissa
2. Tina
3. Barbra Otten
4. Michele
5. Kaymin Kantina
6. Vi
7. skertso
8. Pam
9. very_inky_fingers
10. ScrapbooksbyKarrilee
11. Sherrie
12. vanron
13. Christina
14. scrappingmommy2
15. kdenwcomm


  1. Thank you so much !!!!!
    that was very sweet of you

  2. THANK YOU!!! I bent the rules a little- but hey- isn't that life sometimes?? LOL! Thanks for the award- that was very sweet!! Have a great week- see you soon!!

  3. Thank you denise. I will blog about this soon maybe today depends on when hubby wants to get moving again

  4. Thanks so much for thinking of me Denice!!
    Great new projects you've posted, I'm going to go take a better look!!
    Hugs & TGIF!


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