
Jun 30, 2010

Oh Snap!

I feel like I haven't posted in so long, but I have been busy in a very good way....I went on a sb'ing retreat to Pennsylvania with a great group of ladies! It was a 13 hour drive, and as gorgeous as the mountains were...I found them difficult to drive through. Especially with semi's in front, behind, and beside me! We had a great time and I'm looking forward to our next retreat already!

I needed to make a card for my neice who's turning 10 and I bought this Greeting Farm Stamp with her in mind, I think it's so cute!

When making this card I got out my mini-stapler from Tim Holtz and I was stapling away when I thought to myself, "I bet Donna would staple some mouths for her Macabre Monday Challenge with this!" I know it sounds kinda creepy, but she really would! LOL!


  1. HE HE love it and I bet she would so some stapling or sewing. Very Tim Burton!

  2. You're sooo bad! (but you're right! LOL) Adorable image even with out the stapled mouth ) Still trying to make reservations for CHA. Hope we can hook up if I do. Great card, De, and your trip looks like a fab time. xxD


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