
Feb 7, 2012

TGF - Lucky in Love

Eeeeeek....I have 1 hour to post this before the deadline! I've known about this challenge for a couple of weeks and started on it right away but set it aside to do "other things." I looked at the challenge again last night and realized I had until noon CDT today...I had to get crackin' this morning to finish it.

This is a mini for my hubby for Valentine's Day using the adorable Cheeky Glamour, I think she's perfect for this theme's challenge LUCKY IN LOVE! The mini was made with K&Co. valentine DP that I got a year ago. I'm not sure of the name of the paper but it came with a sheet of mini valentines which are adorable and I used them on the inside of this mini. There are four tags with tulle and flowers...perfect for a little love note or two!

This is a close-up of a small charm I made a year ago thinking I was going to use it for a different project...but gosh, it works perfect here!

Thanks for stopping by, hope everyone has a great day!


  1. OMG!!!! PRECIOUS!!!!! Bet there are naughty notes in there. LOL xxD

  2. Holy crap, way to make the rest of our Valentine's look puny! You totally rocked that album! She's gorgeous, and perfect for Valentine's day!!!

  3. more more more I wanna see more I wanna see the inside too. LOL. Its gorgeous. You just simply amaze me with all the projects. WHOO HOO. way to go denice. LUV IT.


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your comments are always appreciated!

Wishing all a happy and prosperous 2015!