This is my family at some of it's finest moments! With 4 kids, there is always something going on, and it seems I have more than enough pics of them all being goofy! But this pic got us in a whole lotta trouble...
...our neighbor was having a 4th b/day party for their son, who happens to be best friends w/ our they invited our entire family to the party. After eating, presents, and cake they pulled out the pinata for the little ones to bang on! No surprise that the pinata burst open filled with candy and goodies for the youngsters, they filled up their treat bags and started to head home.
Just then my oldest, who was 14 at the time, came around the corner with the pinata's head on! How flippin' hilarious is that? I know you're laughing while you're looking at the pictures...because seriously, it is funny! Well, the host and hostess of the party were MORTIFIED that my son would do something like that at THEIR party! OMG!!! Nothing worse than a walking puppy pinata head to wreck a party! Of course I took pics....because it was just too funny!
Funny?!!! I guess it wasn't so funny to them because they only invited child #4 to their son's next b/day party, along with all of the other neighbors and their families. We were shunned! Shunned! All because of a pinata puppy head!
Now that you know most of the story, this LO is so is how I love to scrap my family, because we are who we are! Pinata heads and all! LOL!
On a final note, the boys are still best friends and we attend their annual Christmas Party...we have overcome the plight of the pinata puppy head!