How sweet was it that she tagged me?!! It's a fun way to get to know your cyber friends better. This tag only had a few rules, I was to go to where I store my pictures and find my 6th folder and post the 6th picture in that folder and explain it. The picture is of my 3rd son, who is my 4th child. The pic is pretty self-explanatory....he is practicing to be Santa!
Then I need to tag 6 friends who visit my blog that I would like to get to know better. They are:
All you have to do is click on their names to get to their blogs! Can't wait to get to know everyone better!
Wasn't this a fun one! Your son is a doll. Thanks for playing along. xxD
Too fun!
I will play along - although you already tagged most of the people who would possibly play on my blog too!? LOL?! Maybe the pressure of being tagged TWICE will cause them to update their blog (AND make a SWAP page?!) LOL!?
Hmmmm- who am I supposed to tag is my question, too?!?! LOL- I'll definitely play along- just not sure who to tag next! Thanks for taggin' me!
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