Look what
Christina awarded me with, how cool is this? My first blog award! I'm not sure if I should wear a crown and royally wave my risen hand while balancing a couple dozen roses, or pass this on to those who are more deserving....hmmmm.....but there are some rules, so let's go over them.
List 6 things you value, six you don't, and six receivers.
Things I value:
1. My faith, I wouldn't be me without it
2. My family, they complete me
3. My 5 senses - think about it, the miracles of the human body (see #1)
4. My parents, I wouldn't be me without them!
5. My friends, they listen and don't judge
6. Being an American
Things I do not value:
1. Cartoon Network
2. Corporate greediness
3. Feral cats
4. Whinning
5. Obstinance
6. Littering
My six receivers are:
1. Vi
2 Vanessa
3 Amy
4 Tracy
5 Karrilee
6 Michele
Enjoy ladies!