Sep 21, 2013

WW #102 Crazy for Daisies Reminder

I saw The Great Gatsby with my daughter at the theater this summer.
I listened to the book on tape while traveling in road construction.
I watched the 1974 version of the movie on Netflix.
I am enamored with everything about this classic piece of literature.
So when the Crazy for Daisies challenge was posted at Wicked Wednesday I had no choice but to make this ATC with Daisy Buchanan in mind. 
Image: TGF Flapper Anya
CG Gatsby Book Cover
Feel free to join us at Wicked Wednesday with your ATC creation(s), which you can link HERE...but it must be entered by 7:00 pm EST next Tuesday to qualify for this week's prize.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by,
your comments make my day.


Blankina said...

Wow!! Great job denice, love it,
Hugs Blankina

Rachel Parys said...

LOL, I was just whining about how I don't have her, but want her!!! This is perfect for GG!! Very cool work!

Thanh Vo said...

The way you coloured her up and dressed up this card makes her SO. much. cuter, Denice!!! She is just too adorable.

DonnaMundinger said...

What a cute and creative take on the challenge.! LOVE it! xxD